Wilhelmus Lepelaars had bet 33k on an Ah 9s Kd flop and Zeik Tuit had pushed for 158k by the time I arrived. Lepelaars, cosily wrapped up in an actual blanket despite the balmy conditions in the packed Main Hall, vanished into the tank for some time, occasionally piping up to apologise for his slowness to act; his tablemates made understanding murmurs back at him. All terribly gentlemanly – we like that here.

Finally Lepelaars made the call – As Ts, trailing behind Tuit’s Ad Js. “Ah good luck,” Lepelaars wished his opponent, and it sounded genuine.

Turn: 6c

River: Td! Ouch.

“I was this close to folding,” Lepelaars apologised as he raked in the pot. Tuit nodded with sad resignation as he took his leave – 31st place for €705. Lepelaars is up to 440k.

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