Kevin Cheng Eliminated in 21st Place (€870)

Kevin Cheng Eliminated in 21st Place (€870)

Level 20: 10,000-25,000/25,000

Table three had to wait several minutes for a new player as a long hand on the balancing table took place. Kevin Cheng was then moved into the single big blind and he three-bet jammed into an open raise by Jamie Nixon from early position.

Nixon called the shove for 452,000, which was a hefty 18 big blinds by then.

Kevin Cheng:
Jamie Nixon:

The board ran out to leave Cheng drawing dead on the turn.

After the hand was over, Nixon told the blog team “I am not ashamed to say, if it was a bigger tournament I’d fold”. The minutes of waiting were worth it for Nixon, who jumped to 1,375,000 while Cheng collected €870.