Stewart Doubles Through Murphy While Erstwhile Commentator Hedley Just Cannot Help Himself

Stewart Doubles Through Murphy While Erstwhile Commentator Hedley Just Cannot Help Himself

Ali Ayub – tut

Mark Murphy and Joshua Stewart were both all in when I joined the action and Danny Ehrenberger also had some some sort of earlier raise out on the felt in front of him, considering his next move. Eventually he folded and the other two went to showdown.

Murphy: Ac Jc
Stewart: 5s 5d

Flop: Ks 7h Jd – Stewart stood up to leave

Turn: 5c! Stewart sat back down

River: an academic but nonetheless pleasing Kc making Stewart a full house and more than doubling him up to around 20k.

Ali Ayub and Andrew Hedley, both sharing Stewart’s table, ordered your blogger to report that Stewart also tutted as the drama of the flop/turn unfolded – indeed they believe the tut was crucial to how the hand played out. They seem to be having a lovely time and I’m sure the rest of the table appreciates their running commentary on events. Especially poor old Mark Murphy, who remained absolutely silent throughout, dropping down to not much more than 5k or so as the pot was shipped across to Stewart.