While the title ruins any suspense regarding how a six-figure pot might have been built in Level 7 on the flop, it’s worth noting that both Marco Ilii and Francesco Macari checked their flopped sets (kings and sevens respectively) on a three-way 7s 3c Ks flop to button Nicklas Dehli, who bet 2,000. After Ilii raised to 6,000 (playing around 50,000) and Macari moved all in for 46,000, Dehli had a medium-sized ponder about this, before throwing away his hand and letting current nuts-holder Ilii call as fast as is humanly possible.

Ilii: Kd Kh
Macari: 7d 7c

The turn and river were seven-free and Ilii now has a stack of over 115,000.

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