This tournament could, in theory, go on forever.

Button Alessandro Pichierri limped for 160,000, and Martin Gorenc raised from the small blind to 325,000. Mulhern then moved all in from the big blind and Pichierri made the call (Gorenc passed). This was a six million chip pot, the biggest of the event so far.

Pichierri: As Jd
Mulhern: Ad 2s

The 3d Qd 6d Ah Ks run-out gave Pichierri a giant stack…

Pichierri: 6,000,000
Gorenc: 1,200,000
Mulhern: 1,600,000

However, the poker gods are fickle, and the next hand, Mulhern moved all in from the small blind with As 6c, called by Pichierri with Kh Ts. The ace-high stayed good for a double.

Moments later, Pichierri set Gorenc all in (small to big blind) with Kc 4d and got a call with pocket fives – again, the leading hand stayed ahead. Stacks evened out once again!

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