Paul Carr Eliminated in 7th Place (€3,695)

Paul Carr Eliminated in 7th Place (€3,695)

Level 27: 60,000/120,000 (120,000)
Entries: 6/599

Colin Horgan was busy counting his chips after losing a big pot to Mario Niciforo before he opened for 250,000 from under the gun. Paul Carr jammed his short stack of about 6 big blinds from one seat over and Horgan quickly called after the action was quickly folded back around to him.

Paul Carr:
Colin Horgan:

“Crap,” said Carr when he saw how behind he was.

He was eliminated in seventh place for €3,695 after his ace-ten was unable to get past ace-king on the runout.

Colin Horgan – 2.2 million
Paul Carr – 0