Two more in-the-money exits (click the RESULTS tab above for all of ’em):

Nkosana Matlhong opened to 101,000 (with 200,000 behind) and found Jacob Mulhern repopping him from the button. Small blind Jonathan Lynch then moved in for 25,000 and after a brief think, Matlhong let his hand go.

Mulhern: Js Jh
Lynch: As 2c

The seven-high runout didn’t improve the all-in player and he hit the rail.

One table over, Raymond Cleare moved all in from the big blind with pocket tens (it looked like around 100,000) over the top of David Hudson’s utg raise. Hudson took him on with Kh Jh and the suited overcards took this one down.

“Whatever happens, happens,” said the now busted Cleare, giving his opponent a fistbump. Meanwhile Hudson’s stack is around 400,000.

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