A bit of controversy as Karl Gialanze in seat 5 announced all in and pushed his stack across the line; it folded around to Kieran Small in the big blind in seat 1, and while he was thinking about it, the dealer mucked all the cards from around the table – including Gialanze’s. The clock was paused as various levels of TD were called over, and it was eventually ruled that, tragic though it may be, a player’s responsibility to protect their own cards rules supreme – Gialanze was held to a min-raise (60k) and the pot went to Small. Gialanze looked forlorn as he was left with 210k. The dealer was immediately pushed, and she apologised to Gialanze as she left. Full disclosure: I worked as a dealer for about three weeks before I realised I couldn’t hack it – it’s a very tough job and accidents can happen. It’s absolutely mortifying when it’s you. Honestly I feel a bit for both of them.

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