Robin Panholzer Eliminated in 3rd Place (€9,200)

Robin Panholzer Eliminated in 3rd Place (€9,200)

Level 26: 50,000-100,000/100,000
Field: 2/283

Robin Panholzer

In the last hand of the level, Toivo Rinne limped the small blind and Robin Panholzer checked from the big blind. Rinne led the flop for 150,000 and the turn for 600,000, Panholzer called.

After the river, Rinne bet big and Panholzer sighed. “That’s not the card I wanted,” he said with around eight big blinds behind.

Eventually, Panholzer called and then nodded when Rinne showed the for a flush. Panholzer’s was no good and he bowed out in third place for €9,200.

Rinne leads the heads-up with Alan Dillon with six million to 2.5 million.