The final table of the mini Irish Open has kicked off at noon today and there are some slow steps being stepped.
Paul Mooney moved all-in for 300,000 or so and Kim Lars Holmberg, still a bit groggy from the night before, didn’t notice. But he moved all-in anyways.
Everyone else folded and we saw the result would have been the same had Holmberg properly seen the action in front of him. He had Jd Jc and Mooney had Ad Kh.
Now to the exciting bit.
Kc 7s 8c flop and Mooney was pried to stay alive.
The 5c turned and Holmberg noticed he had one club short of a five flush. “Club,” he called out.
The river was the 2c and Mooney was sent packing on the very first hand.
Seven remain.