The 6-max format is a recipe for action and as expected some fur has already been flying – an early coup for Darren Nolan seeing his stack getting a healthy bump.

We joined Nolan betting out 400 on an As 4s 7c board, picking up several callers, including Anthony Blaineau in position.

The Jh on the turn saw the action checked to Nolan, who fired out 1,100, this time Blaineau the only man to stick around. The dealer laid out a final Kh on the river – and Nolan wasted little time in betting 3,500. A short tank from Blaineau and he called – only for Nolan to flip up Ks7s for a missed flush draw that had become two pair. Blaineau mucked – his stack down to 25k, though Nolan, complete with his interesting hat (hopefully picture to follow!) is up to 37k at the inception of this event.

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