Good Fortune for Fortuna

Good Fortune for Fortuna

Level 20: 10,000/25,000 (25,000)
Entries: 24/566

Daniel Fortuno came into Day 2 near the top of the pack but was down to 330,000. His bad fortunes recently became good fortunes after the following hand.

The start-of-the-day chip leader Saulius Tumosa opened for 50,000 from the hijack before Fortuno three-bet shoved for 330,000 from the cutoff. Tumosa asked for a count before he called.

Daniel Fortuna:
Saulius Tumosa:

“This is not good,” Tumosa said with a smile.

Fortuna’s fortunes were in jeopardy after the turn with the on the board with one card to come. Tumosa was unable to complete his Broadway draw and doubled Fortuna after the river completed the board.

Meanwhile, Patrick Quigley, Elisei Florin, Virgo Laansoo, Kimon Fountoukidis, and Joe O’Donaill all hit the rail to leave just three tables remaining in the first hour of play.

Saulius Tumosa – 1M
Daniel Fortuna – 700K
Patrick Quigley – 0
Virgo Laansoo – 0
Kimon Fountoukidis – 0