Average stack is 147k; 58/285 remain. Blinds/BB ante will be 3k/6k/6k when they return. All the piddling T100 and T500 chips have been coloured up and the gorgeous grey T25k chips have appeared in their place.

Janis Valters – pictured | 295,000 |
Vasyl Laba | 290,000 |
Steve O’Dwyer | 280,000 |
Lawend Mardini | 275,000 |
Shamkuwar Swaraj | 255,000 |
Jamie Byrne | 240,000 |
Ian Gascoigne | 232,000 |
Remo Marti | 227,000 |
Edouardos Stavrakis | 220,000 |
Noel Hayes | 215,000 |
Marco Ilii | 210,000 |
Baptiste Duny | 210,000 |
Carl Dobrzelewski | 195,000 |
Stephane Perche | 185,000 |
Shaun Conroy | 185,000 |
Kevin Killeen | 175,000 |
Ori Hasson | 175,000 |
Barry Moore | 170,000 |
Pascal Sarge | 170,000 |
Michael Mitrione | 170,000 |
Marian Dumitrache | 155,000 |
Patrick Schratz | 154,000 |
Justin Boyle | 140,000 |