With Graham Wheldon’s dwindling stack, a premium hand like A-Q was always going in the middle – and he shoved for 260k when it arrived. Behind, Ben Saber joined the party, aiming to make a raise to 400k, but was informed 495k was the minimum so he stuck that in.
Waheed Ashraf now perked up. He had a decision to make…
“Do you have a hand mate?” he asked the live Saber.
“Monster mate,” Saber replied.
Eventually Ashraf laid down what was later revealed to be tens.
It was a good fold – as Saber tabled pocket kings – but a Js 9h 6s Th 4h board would have given him the pot. The poker gods were no doubt chuckling somewhere.
Wheldon bowed out though – picking up €2,365 for his 7th place finish and Saber moves over a million chips in his first live tournament. What a day he’s having!