Today’s Mystery Bounty has 256 entries so far, with reg nowhere near closed yet – you get a full 10 levels for this one, and if that still isn’t enough for you, they’re running another basically identical (albeit one-day rather than two) one of these tomorrow at 2pm. We’ll definitely be in the money for the two-day one by then, which means that if you bust out early from this one you can immediately take any presumably hilariously generous bounties you may have picked up along the way and recycle them straight into the next one. Genius.
Players still in (154/256) include Barny Boatman, John Eames, Fintan Gavin, Kelly Kellner, Paul Leckey, Kim Kilroy, Martin Olali, Sean Prendiville, Mircea Rus, Thierry Van Den Berg, Dan Wilson, Phil Clarke, and so on and so forth.
By the by, the wildly degenerate lottery that was last year won by Phil Clarke is being run again this year – €5 buys you a shot at winning however many €5 notes/chips find their way into the extremely classy plastic bag before the draw takes place at 8pm. You can enter as many times as you like; talk to basically any dealer or floor person about how to throw your name and your money into the proverbial hat.