Short-handed and short stacked (blinds 60k/120k) with under a million, Simon Appleby moved all in three times in a row on the button. It appears he’d been card dead for a level, with “nothing higher than a six”. The first shove got through and he showed down pocket sixes, saying, “Still only six high but at least they’re matching!”
The second time, big blind Simon Nickmans folded showing 9x 4x. Appleby announced, “You were dominated!” He flipped over 9x 7x.
The third button shove saw Nickmans with better than nine high – he held Th Qs and put Appleby at risk holding Ah Kd. The board paired both of Appleby’s cards; he overtook his neighbour in chips.
Appleby: 1,760,000
Nickmans: 1,300,000