Swing and a Miss for Littlewood as Flush Draw Stays Draw to Bust Him in 8th (€13,345)

Swing and a Miss for Littlewood as Flush Draw Stays Draw to Bust Him in 8th (€13,345)

Under the gun, Keith Littlewood minraised (80,000). Button Cosmin Chis called, as did both blinds, Terence Jordon and Michael Kane.

Flop: 9c 9s 6c. Check to the raiser, who bet 100,000. Chis folded, Jordon called and Kane raised to 325,000. Littlewood thought for a good long time before moving all in (which saw off Jordon); Kane snap-called.

Kane: 9d Qs
Littlewood: Kc Qc

The turn and river were the brickiest: 4h 8d, and we’re down to seven.