There have been a slew of late entries today in the High Roller – included in that number was Benjamin Spragg, who looks a little worn out from his effusive efforts this week.
The day hasn’t panned out quite as planned, Spraggy left with a single 1k chip after running afoul of big stacked Benjamin Lebor (270k)’s flopped flush with .
Things looked bleak for Spraggy with the blinds at 2k 4k but allin on the next hand, he made a pair with 9-4 to best Kevin Allen’s pocket sevens & octupled up to 8k.
“It begins…” said Spraggy ominously, dreams of a legendary spin-up crystalling.
His tablemates immediately began weeping, and wailing. There was gnashing of teeth and a miasma of fear enveloped the table as a Spraggy comeback became more likely. (*)
“I made my first mistake, folded 24 suited,” Lebor commented (it would have beaten Spraggy’s holding an KO’d him.)
Immediately, the table berated Lebor at letting dangerman Spraggy back in with a chance. There was gnashing of teeth, weeping…you know the drill. (**)
(*) Obviously none of this happened.
(**) Or this.