The blinds were 30,000-60,000 at the proper outset of this duel.
On the button Mills raised to 120,000 and Buccella called.
The flop came 9s 3s 7c and both players checked. On the 9c turn Buccella lead 105,000 into Mills, who had position. He called. The river was the 8d and Buccella kept apace, betting 225,000.
Mills then, passive most of the hand, decided it was time to turn it up. He raised to 850,000.

Silvio went all-in.
Mills was covered and stood up. He let out a noise we can only describe as “woo.”
He had Th Jc and made the call. Nut straight, heads up, usually a good hand.
Buccella had bad news to show Mills. He had the nuts, 8h 9d, for a full house. We have a champion!
Buccella came in with the chip lead today and was steadily chopping down the trees that were his competitors. A steady hand to go with a steady run of cards makes for big winnings in poker, and Buccella’s win today — in under two hours — is worth €14,422. There was a round of applause for him in the poker room as he hoisted the trophy!