Something big (and not good) happened to Shaun Conroy recently, because he was just seen getting his last 29,000 (blinds 6,000/12,000) in preflop after a raise to 24,000 from Baptiste Duny. Big blind Andrew Grimason made the call, as did Duny.

Both players with chips left checked the As 2h 3s flop, and Grimason led for 25,000 on the 5s turn (called by Duny). Meanwhile Conroy explained to Ben Spragg (railing wife Marle, who is still in contention) that “I lost all my chips in the previous hand.”

“I know,” replied Spragg, “I was celebrating.”

Unfazed by this cruelty, Conroy saw no more betting on the Qh river and showed down Ah 5c for two pair – winning the pot (Grimason showed Ac 6d and Duny mucked).

Duny: 800,000
Grimason: 330,000

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