Rough Ending for Rubbathan

Rough Ending for Rubbathan

Level 15: 4,000-8,000/8,000
Field: 30/172 Remaining

Mark Rubbathan came into the day with 16 big blinds and grinded out his short stack, even scoring an early double up. He then found a pocket pair to go with preflop only to end up being dominated by the table chip leader Orestis Kanakopoulos.

Mark Rubbathan:
Orestis Kanakopoulos:

With both suits covered as well, Rubbathan was in rough shape. That never changed on the flop, turn and river to send the English online streamer to the rail.

Orestis Kanakopoulos – 550,000
Mark Rubbathan – Eliminated

Mark Rubbathan