Roth Doubles Gultekin

Roth Doubles Gultekin

Level 27: 60,000/120,000 (120,000)
Entries: 5/566

Robin Roth jammed from the small blind and was called by the short-stacked Mustafa Gultekin from the big blind.

Mustafa Gultekin:
Robin Roth:

Both players had top pair on the flop but Roth had kicker issues. The paired the board on the turn and Roth began asking for a king for a chop.

Roth got excited when the river completed the board before moments later realizing this didn’t help him eliminate Gultekin. Instead, Gultekin doubled up and had some breathing room after the hand.

Robin Roth – 3 million
Mustafa Gultekin – 1.7 million