Another early afternoon trip to the rail, this time for Alex Peffly. He moved in for 14,600 first to act on a flop of 2d 6c 5s (into a heads up pot that was of such a size that opponent Thales Salomao Filho said something along the lines of “I have to call”) and showed down 7c 8c for the straight and back door flush draw. The running deuces on the turn and river kept Filho’s Ac 9c in front and boosted his stack to just under 70,000.

Meanwhile, a couple of tables over, two short stacks fell to the all-in preflop A-K (dominating the both of them) of Colin Gillon who’s now stacking over 60,000. The bustees: Kuljinder Sidhu and Cillin O’Donnell.

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