Konstantinos Tsikopoulos moved all in from the small blind for 13,000 (blinds 1,500/3,000) after a raise to 6,500 from Gediminas Bartkus and a call from Pablo Martinez. Bartkus thought for a while before folding and Martinez took on the short stack with pocket tens (understandably). Tsikopoulos showed down Ad 5c and couldn’t find an ace or any other way to outdraw his opponent, who now has a stack of 165,000. Busto.
Next door, Dara O’Kearney (pictured) moved all in under the gun for 23,000. Will Kassouf reshoved for 110,000, the rest of the table folded and he showed down As Qs to O’Kearney’s 5h 5s.
“Once or twice?” he asked.
“Twice,” suggested O’Kearney, but that didn’t happen, of course and the Qc 4c 8s 4s 2c run-out sent him to the rail. Kassouf has 160,000.
Peter Sandberg also busted – we don’t know how he dropped to a stack of 10,500 but it was all in preflop in mid-position with 7h 5h, given a spin by Tom Dunne in the big blind, who sounded very surprised when he noticed, “I’m ahead” with 9h 6s. The board ran out Jh 8c 8s 5s Jd, Sandberg’s fives were counterfeited and the high card nine with the two pair took the pot. Dunne has 83,000 now.