Molenaar On The Rise

Molenaar On The Rise

Michel Molenaar has been on a bit of a tear in recent times, and now has close to 100k.

His most recent coup saw him peel a raise to 1,100 from Duff Charette (cut-off) from the small blind, Rolandas Aglinskas coming along for the ride.

The board fell – all 3 checking.

The turn was the , Molenaar checking before Aglinskas fired out 5k. Charette folded, but Molenaar now sprung a surprise check-raise to 16k. Aglinskas paused, then called.

The was met with a 12k bet by Molenaar – Aglinskas again calling, only to be shown for trips. He folded, showing pocket nines…

Molenaar up to 96k, Aglinskas down to 30k…