Karl Gialanze Finishes 3rd for €4,750

Karl Gialanze Finishes 3rd for €4,750

With the blinds at 30k/60k, and most of the chips in Anthony Whorriskey’s stack, the tail end of this event wrapped up at a very fast pace. Karl Gialanze’s final hand saw him calling in the big blind when Whorriskey made it 250,000 to go on the button.

On a flop of 4c 3h Qd, Gialanze led out for all of his chips (around 500,000) and was quickly challed by Whorriskey.

Whorriskey: Qh Jh
Gialanze: Ah 4d

Whorriskey’s top pair stayed good as the 7h and 9h came down on the turn and river. With that elimination, Whorriskey takes a giant chip lead into the heads up – 3,700,000 playing David Moger’s 600,000.