An inauspicious start from Maria Kalantzi has been wiped out as she found a juicy spot to turn her fortunes around. Holding Qh Qs, Kalantzi made it 500 from the cut-off, called by Yrjo Karvonen on the button, before Peter Splettstoser popped it up to 4,500 from the small blind, with what we later learned were pocket tens.

Kalantzi jammed for 8,800, Karvonen folded and Splettstoser called, only to get the bad news his pair was dominated.

A board of Jd 7h 8d gave him some additional hope, but the gutshot he’d picked up failed to arrive and as the board ran out 4c Ad, Kalantzi collected a welcome double to move her up to around 18,000. Splettstoser drops to around half his starting stack…

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