Guy Johnson doesn’t have too much of a stack – he’s proving bulletproof when it comes to showdowns however. Whenever we’ve passed his table his doubled his shortstack. Recently, he fired his 12k ish into the middle with pocket 3’s versus Turlough McHugh’s K-Q and survived the 5h 8c 5d 7c Jd board.

Newly-invigorated, it wasn’t long before Johnson was at it again, jamming pre, called by Steve Warburton & Darren Walker (who had doubled up Johnson once earlier!) now re-jammed all-in for just enough chips to get Warburton off the hand.

Ad Ks for Walker but…

Kd Ks for Johnson.

Walker laughed off the cooler and the board ran out jack high to give the invincible Johnson a very useful triple up to over 80k. Walker meanwhile drops to 55k.

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