Sean Foley has been eliminated in 10th place, which twist of fate Ewen Trevidy cannot hope to have foreseen ten minutes ago.
Foley was set all-in preflop blind vs. blind by Michael Kane, and took the plunge with one of the (now) shorter stacks of around 300,000 and Qs Jd. His cards were live vs. Kane’s Kc 8c…
The board ran out 2s 6h 8d…Qc…Kd and with that river we’re merging all nine remaining players onto one table. Foley picks up €8,945.
Just to reiterate, Trevidy’s stack was down to dust a few hands ago. He was forced all in with 9s 6s, called by both blinds – but neither could beat his flopped pair of nines. He subsequently won another three-way all in, his now 100,000 stack resting on pocket threes. They spiked a set which turned into a full house while his callers checked the board down and could table nothing better. Trevidy, looking delighted, is back to 300,000.