TONS of action over in the Seniors – they’re chucking their chips around with youthful enthusiasm and surprising vigour!

Most recently witnessed:

Owen Mullan is out after having his pocket sevens outflipped by Dominic Mahoney’s AK. “I’ll be next,” tablemate John Emmo deadpanned at me, but – like everybody else in this event – he actually looks like he’s having a lovely time.

At Table 24, Eugene Morgan suffered the chilliest of coolers as his As Qd on a 2d 2c Qs flop went up against Noel Murphy’s Qh Qc for a total overkill of a full house. The 8c turn and 8d river did nothing for him and Morgan is now out while Murphy is up to 46k.

And finally, from across the room, I spotted the towering form of Phil “The Tower” Heald strolling in tjhe direction of the rail and/or bar, presumed busto.

104/206 entries remain; there’s one level left for late reg if you can show ID to prove you meet the stringent criteria for entry.

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