Shortstacked and looking for a spot, Marius Olsvik found a hand he could stake his last 35k with, jamming all-in with As 8s in an unopened pot.

Wheldon was the sole caller and it was bad news for Olsvik as he was dominated, facing Wheldon’s ace-jack.

Succour arrived immediately however, a board of Ah 8h 3d putting him in a strong position. What the poker gods can deliver by way of gifts can be snatched away though, and the Ks on the turn and cruel Kh on the river counterfeited his advantage – Wheldon making the better hand at the last. Even Wheldon felt for his opponent, exhaling an “oooof” by way of sympathy.

The good news for Olsvik was he just snuck inside the next pay-jump. €505 his reward for 24th spot. Congratulations!

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