The sun has come out to see us here in West Dublin, at the pristine CityWest Hotel and Golf Resort. There is a bit of a slow to start vibe today, but let us tell you, there is a very long queue of people waiting to buy-in and get going.

We reckon the reason for the groggy start has at least in part to do with the karaoke epic that saw sunup last night. And it was a continuation of the karaoke of the night before. 375 people are signed at present and as with the other starting days we are kicking off at 100-100.

For the first time, it is all about the main event today. There are no big side events on the schedule. Then later today at 10pm we will be kicking off with Day 1D, a turbo flight meant for that last chance go at a Day 2 show.

Questions off the top include whether Steve O’Dwyer will re-enter, probably the best tournament player here busted very late in yesterday’s flight. Other crushers have survived so far. And can someone can top Day 1B’s chip leader’s stack? It is a whopping 475,000 which was amassed by Sandro Pitzanti yesterday in virtuoso fashion. Laughter and craic are ringing through the room already and we’re just getting started. We can officially see on the tournament clock the prizepool has smashed the one million Euro guarantee …. it is already up at 1.2 million on the board. Let’s get after it!

We wish the Smurf of Luck to everyone today

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