Our victor, who was keen both to chop and also to officially win the Ladies Championship trophy rather than have the luck of the deck decide for her, finally got her full double wish! Elizabeth Bennett-Martin collected €3,690 from the €13,513 total prizepool, after seeing off stiff competition from the 63-runner field, including a tough-to-dislodge Michelle Bricknell in second.
Elizabeth Bennett-Martin first discovered the existence of the Irish Open at the PCA when Nick O’Hara suggested that she try it out, and after a tester trip in 2016, she has been back every year, with an ever-growing host of Canadians (and now Americans, too). The Americas Cup has this influx to thank for its very existence! Well done to Bennett-Martin who took down this event after railing Martin Gorenc in that very tournament until past 5am last night. Staying power, in every way.