A new chip has been introduced, the 25,000. Players have been politely asked to keep them visible at all times; here are some who’ve got to keep that in mind now:

Sandro Pitzanti 520,000
Stuart McNally 387,000
Mark Flanagan 340,000
Christopher Gee 320,000
Dan Wilson 300,000
Timothy Shirley 290,000
Kenneth Griffin 260,000
Tomas Gelezunias 255,000
Alan Trueick 245,000
Katie Swift 240,000
Gilbert Black 240,000
Alejandro Manzano 235,000
Ashley Windsor 222,000
Yucel Eminoglu 220,000
Brian Morgan 220,000
Vygerdas Jonikas 215,000
Wei Li 205,000
Richard Ashby 195,000
Tom Storebo 190,000
Arthur Boatman 189,000

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