Average stack is 147k; 58/285 remain. Blinds/BB ante will be 3k/6k/6k when they return. All the piddling T100 and T500 chips have been coloured up and the gorgeous grey T25k chips have appeared in their place.

Janis Valters
Janis Valters – pictured295,000
Vasyl Laba290,000
Steve O’Dwyer280,000
Lawend Mardini275,000
Shamkuwar Swaraj255,000
Jamie Byrne240,000
Ian Gascoigne232,000
Remo Marti227,000
Edouardos Stavrakis220,000
Noel Hayes215,000
Marco Ilii210,000
Baptiste Duny210,000
Carl Dobrzelewski195,000
Stephane Perche185,000
Shaun Conroy185,000
Kevin Killeen175,000
Ori Hasson175,000
Barry Moore170,000
Pascal Sarge170,000
Michael Mitrione170,000
Marian Dumitrache155,000
Patrick Schratz154,000
Justin Boyle140,000
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