Andrew Doran just ran into this week’s unstoppable force, Waheed Ashraf – again. Ashraf has dominated the tables with a number of deep runs including an outright win in The Hendon Mob event.
As soon as Doran jammed his 3k or so into the middle on the button and Ashraf said “I’ll give you a spin,” from the big blind, his death warrant was virtually signed.
K-4 for Ashraf, 7s 8c for Doran.
The board ran out 2-2-2-3-4 to give Ashraf a winning full house – he moves over 50k and the eliminated Doran has the option to buy back in should he so desire.
Ashraf is in good spirits as you might expect given how this golden week is panning out for him. The dealer was changed and Ashraf saw this as a positive. “This one’s a good one, I can tell,” he said with a cheeky smile.