Threeway to a flop of 5s 2d 7s (blinds 100/300), things took off. Action checked to Jacob Powers who bet 300. Alan Gilmore check-raised to 4,000. Player-in-the-middle Fraser Bellamy made the call and it was back to Powers, who fairly swiftly raised again – to 15,300 (with about 30,000 behind). Gilmore made the call and Bellamy backed off.
Gilmore: 5h 7h for two pair
Powers: 2c 2s – a flopped set.
There was no outdraw in the offing as the turn and river ran out Qd Ac and Powers doubled through to a total of 102,000 while Gilmore drops to 25,300.
Anyone over 100,000 in in good shape in Level 3 (the average is just over starting stack of 50,000). There appears to be only one player with more chips than Powers currently, Neil McNamee, with 120,000. He was last seen busting Daniel Sahlin.