Caught from a big river decision, the board standing 4s Kd 5s 7s 2d, Thomas Jakobsen was waiting for his opponent Paul Coyle to react to his bet of 175,000. The pot was around 210,000 before this bet (which is just under six ME starting stacks). Coyle counted off the requisite white 25k chips and threw them in, swiftly followed by his cards when he saw Jakobsen’s Ks Js for the flush.
Coyle: 700,000
Jakobsen: 1,550,000
Elsewhere, simultaneously…
David Maudlin has been eliminated, all in preflop with Ks Qs against the preflop nuts (As Ad, if you want suits) of Sondre Stormyr. Stormyr joins the chip millionaires with this busting.