In possibly the most thrilling moment yet of this Irish Open, the €5 random lottery draw thingy has just been conducted at the main TD hub in the centre of the tournament room. As always, the bag of cash – this year totalling a shade over €12,700 – was awarded to not the first, but the second name randomly drawn.

The first name: Laura Fitzgibbon, better known to us as the gorgeous wife of our photographer Danny Maxwell. Even now, 15 minutes after the event, Danny is slumped with his head in his hands in the press room, shouting, “FUCK!!” over and over again. Our deepest condolences, Danny. We really, really feel for you.

So, to the second name out of the digital hat: Jack Veal! We’ll be honest, we don’t a lot about Mr Veal, but a quick Google has narrowed him down to maybe one of: Jack Veal, child actor, best known for his work as Kid Loki in the film Loki; Jack Veal, who according to LinkedIn is the general manager of Lula Shack in Porthleven, Cornwall; or maybe the Jack Veal who has found gainful employment as a vehicle mechanic at the SEAT factory in Coventry. Thanks to Mad Harper for putting her journalistic qualifications to good use.

Anyway, here’s that bag of cash:

The boys at Lula Shack will be so proud!

…And here is Mr Veal himself, before being whisked away by a brand new friend bellowing, “Righty, Omaha!” Very many congratulations.

Jack Veal – under no obligation to wang it all at Omaha
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